A2 – Part B – Question 6

You are to create a headline about the 2nd year of digital classes in this program. The audience will be 1st year students. Please provide the headline and your reasoning behind it. (4 Marks)

    Headline: “In advertising? Here are 7 useful tips you need to pass your 2nd-year digital classes”

    Explanation: The headline that I created perfectly gets across the objective and utilizes many elements to create a successful headline. The headline can be taken out of context and would still be understood. Reading the headline immediately tells people what it is all about, by drawing attention to words that represent the advertising program and its classes. I used an odd number in my headline as this helps draw people’s attention and tells them exactly what they can expect from the article. I personalized the headline to include the word” you” which is great for attracting readers as humans love to read about themselves. The use of the number 7 tells the 1st year students that this information is very specific and promises them the exact amount of information they will receive by reading further. I have used power words and the 4u’s together to strengthen my messaging in order to create an urgent yet unique message that can prove useful if they were to read further. The headline also plays upon their fear as they do not know what to expect from their second-year digital classes and they may believe they could fail or struggle without knowing this knowledge.

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